I Am a Man of God


Phil 4:9

9 Practice what you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, and model your way of living on it,

and the God of peace (of untroubled, undisturbed well-being) will be with you. AMP

By God’s grace and through my faith in Him, which is His gift to me, I declare my personal mission in life.

These are my values, the principles which I live by, and I testify, by faith in God, that I a man of these qualities:

I am a man of the Bible. I daily Feed on it and believe it to be the inspired Word of God.

I believe it to be infallible and my standard for living.

I am a man of prayer. As I daily join in fellowship with my heavenly Father,

I know Him, love Him and I obey Him. As Abraham, I am a friend of God.

I am a man of faith. From the wellspring of my heart issues faith that pleases God.

I do not waiver at the promises of God because

I know He is able to perform what He has promised.

My words and my actions release faith and give glory to God.

I am a man of vision. I know where I am going and how to arrive there.

I know that without vision I will cast off restraint and responsibility,

but with vision I will have responsibility,

the ability to choose my responses to challenge.

Therefore, I am making decisions based on vision

rather than my moods and circumstances.

I am a man of prosperity. I obey God with all of my increase.

I am blessed by God and therefore am able to bless others.

Everything I set my hand to is crowned with success.

I diligently, liberally sow financial seed and have every desire and need met.

I do not seek riches, but they consistently seek me.

I am always abundantly able to perform the will of God.

I am a man of humility, who submits wholly to his Creator.

I acknowledge my need of God to be everything in my life.

I express this in my submission to others; my superiors,

my wife and children, my peers, and my subordinates.

I am a man of discipline, choosing diligence, faithfulness,

and consistency rather than slothfulness.

I do what needs to be done, when it needs to be done,

how it needs to be done, all of the time.

I am a man of love. I am patient with and kind to others,

not envious or jealous, not boastful, vain or proud.

I am not rude. I am not self-seeking.

Rather, I consider the rights and needs of others.

I pay not attention to a suffered wrong.

I do not rejoice at injustice, but I rejoice when truth and right prevails.

I always believe the best of every person.

My love endures everything and will never fail.

I am a man of learning. I am truth loving and I covet knowledge. I

will always maintain a teachable attitude and am willing to learn more.

I am a man of honor, above reproach, pure and blameless in all things.

I am a man of principle. I am trustworthy, loyal, and a man of my word,

knowing that I can have faith in myself only to the degree that I have faith in my word.

I am a man of conviction, possessing unshaken confidence and an unwavering confession.

I am a man of power and stamina, spiritually, mentally, and physically,

who has the capacity to act, and the ability and courage to accomplish something.

I am shatterproof in hardship.

I am dynamic, thinking thoughts that breathe with inspiration and speaking words that burn with truth.

I am a man of fortitude, facing adversity with tenacity and pain with courage.

I am man of action, choosing to let my works speak for me.

I believe in achieving visibility through productivity and fruitfulness.

I have thrown away the scabbard and chosen to live life with my sword drawn.

I am a man of valor and boldness, fearlessly facing risk and hardship.

I do in private that which I would be capable of doing before witnesses.

To me this is the greatest expression of courage.

I am a man of influence. I make a difference in the lives of

people around me through leadership and relationship.

This is my mission and as a valiant knight undertakes his quest, I undertake it in selfless devotion to God.